Day 4 of #100daysofcode
Today we’ll look at how to use JSX effectively with react. Today’s code will also be a continuation of yesterday’s code, which is :
You can wrap a JavaScript expression in a curly brace to have it evaluated and use the result in its current position, like :
We used a JavaScript expression instead of writing “Hello World” directly here.
You can also do the same with className :
You can do something similar. where you use multiple JavaScript expressions in “children" :
You can also include multiple html tags, such as :
You can also use JSX, in such a way like:
You can see that we did not put our JS expression inside the div tag, but rather beside our className.
You can also use a self-closing tag for div :
You could also try something like :
You can also include additional props in the div tag, such as :
However, it will overwrite whatever comes after it, so we will have className=”not-container”
instead of className=’container’
This is accomplished because JSX syntax is compiled to React’s createElement API via babel.
That’s all there is to toady.